Physiotherapy is a health method to treat disease or health problems by using the properties of natural energy such as water, heat, cold, electricity, light, sound and exercise.

What are the benefits of natural energy used for treatment?
The benefits of this natural energy are obtained from the modification of natural means, such as water (hydrotherapy), heat (thermotherapy), cold (cryotherapy), electricity (electrotherapy), light (actinotherapy) and sound (ultrasonictherapy).
What diseases (health problems) can be cured (helped) with physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy can help include:
Musculoskeletal disorders, such as pain, aches, aches, stiffness, swelling due to sprains / sprains, rheumatism, back pain, neck pain etc.
Muscle paralysis due to disturbances/nerve damage such as stroke, facial muscle paralysis, limb muscle paralysis (due to accident/infection).
Breathing problems, for example: shortness of breath due to asthma, bronchitis (ARI), shortness of breath due to obesity.
Fractures (legs, hands or joint stiffness) and their consequences.
Impaired growth and development of children such as walking delay, physical abnormalities, disabilities, etc
Impaired heart function, for example coronary heart disease, heart muscle deficiency (AMI).
Streamlining the delivery process, restoring organs after childbirth, increasing uterine fertility, preventing physical disorders of pregnant women (pregnancy exercise, postpartum exercise)
Improve body fitness and beauty by means of exercise (body language, aerobics, fresh breath, asthma, prevention of osteoporosis, stroke, elderly, SSI, heart, etc.)
Disorders due to surgery for example: pain in the operated area and impaired joint movement around the operated.
Who is authorized to provide Physiotherapy actions?
Physiotherapists who are authorized to provide physiotherapy actions because they have passed physiotherapy education in accordance with applicable laws and regulations
Where a Physiotherapist can work:
Physiotherapists can work including:
Physiotherapist practice alone
General Hospital and Special Hospital, both government and private. - Public health center
Rehabilitation Institutions, for example YPAC, YAKKUM etc
Physiotherapy Clinic
Beauty and wellness clinic
Health and sports institutions - Occupational safety and health units in industrial environments etc
What are the advantages of the Physiotherapy Profession?
Opportunities for Physiotherapists when compared to the needs and population, especially in Indonesia, are still very large.
Physiotherapy graduates can practice independently. Can establish a physiotherapy clinic that is managed by yourself. Therefore, LET'S JOIN THE ACADEMY OF PHYSIOTHERAPY "YAB" JOGJAKARTA
Physiotherapy education at the Physiotherapy Academy "YAB" Jogjakarta uses classroom learning methods with lectures, seminars and practices including Laboratory Practice and Clinical Physiotherapy Practice.
The places of practice carried out while studying at the "YAB" Physiotherapy Academy so far are:
Laboratory Practice : Physiotherapy Click Laboratory, UMY Medical Laboratory
Physiotherapy Clinical Practices include: RSUP Dr. Sardjito, Prof.Dr.R.Soeharso Orthopedic Hospital, Yogyakarta PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital, PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul Hospital, Bethesda Hospital, Yogyakarta City Hospital, Tk III Hospital.04.06.03 Dr. Sutarto Yogyakarta, Ghrasia Hospital Yogyakarta, Indonesian Air Force Hospital Dr. Suhardi Hardjolukito Yogyakarta, Panembahan Senopati Hospital, Bantul, Sleman Hospital, Sleman Health Center, Physiotherapy Clinic "Murono" Yogyakarta