Thank God, starting on November 24 2022, the D III Physiotherapy Academy of Physiotherapy Study Program "YAB" (AKFIS YAB) officially obtained "Very Good" Accreditation from the Indonesian Health Higher Education Independent Accreditation Institute (LAM-PTKes) with No. 0970/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Dip/XI/2022.

This study program received "Excellent". For the record, previously the AKFIS YAB Physiotherapy D III Study Program received "B" accreditation, which later this year managed to maintain this accreditation. The accreditation visitation process will be held on 30 October - 02 November 2022.
After three days of carrying out the accreditation process, this department officially obtained "Very Good" accreditation. At that time the assessor team from LAM-PTKes consisted of 2 people: Dr. Umi Budi Rahayu, Ssi. FT., Ftr., M.Kes and Wahyudin, Ftr, M.Sc, Ph.D
Hj. Siti Alimah Murono, SST, FT, MM (Director of AKFIS YAB) expressed her gratitude to the entire Academic Community of the Yogyakarta "YAB" Academy of Physiotherapy and expressed her infinite appreciation, for the prayers and support of the Leaders within the "YAB" Academy of Physiotherapy, Mr/Mrs Lecturers, Employees, Alumni and all elements that have helped the success of the Accreditation of the D III Physiotherapy Study Program, so that Alhamdulillah the D III Physiotherapy Study Program received an Accreditation score of "Very Good", based on SK LAM- PTKes Number: 0970/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Dip/XI/2022. (AKFIS YAB, 7/12/2022)